Reading These 5 Books Will Transform Your Career
In many industries, the workplace is constantly changing, presenting new opportunities and obstacles that could make-or break-your career.
Countless authors have written about the best ways to get ahead at work whilst living a more fulfilling life. But it’s almost impossible to get through all of the books on your reading list, right?
Not anymore! Meet the Blinkist app — which summarizes the key insights from the world’s best non-fiction books in text and audio. In fewer than 15 minutes, you can access the most meaningful messages from over 3,000 (and counting!) leading titles.
If you’re interested in raising your game at work, or want to head in an entirely different direction, here are insights from five books that are available on Blinkist that can transform your career and take you to the next level in no time.
1. You’re nothing without your network — from Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
Fortunately, becoming an excellent networker is a skill anyone can learn. Develop an extensive network of contacts well before you need it, then create a plan to get exactly what you want.
2. Trust your body, not your brain — from The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention by Pamela Mitchell
If you’ve got a feeling something is missing or wrong at your current place of employment, don’t ignore that sensation: It’s your body’s way of telling you you’re ready for something new. Listen to your intuition instead of your intellect, and you’ll be happier in the end.
3. Climb jungle gyms, not ladders — from Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
Rather than embracing the ladder-climbing mindset ingrained into our culture over generations, think of your career path as a jungle gym instead. Why limit yourself to a singular goal when you could explore several exciting and meaningful routes to the top?
4. Following your dreams can backfire — from The Career Playbook by James M. Citrin
Although most of us would love to work in a flashy industry like entertainment or fashion, there’s a ton of competition in those fields, and entry-level salaries are comparatively low. Rather than risk your future for an uncertain and unrealistic career, aim for a more attainable profession.
5. Achieve the remarkable with small, bold bets — from So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
Accomplishing a remarkable mission can propel your career into the stratosphere, but getting there won’t happen overnight. Start with small, manageable projects that you can later leverage into a larger win.
Explore these titles and hundreds of other books for ambitious professionals when you download the Blinkist app today.👇🏽
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